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pasteFromStamp_32x32 Paste from Stamp

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Retrieves the cached object(s) from the temporary memory. The function is similar to the copy/paste functionality; however more powerful for digitizing purposes.


Supported object types: All



You want to digitize trees using a drawing you created before. Select the drawing and call the Copy to Stamp function. Then choose the "Paste from Stamp" function and start digitizing (stamping) the cached objects. All objects will be placed/inserted at the current cursor position.


1.Select the Paste from Stamp function.

2.Place the cursor at the destination point in the map window and click.




When you use Paste from Stamp, the objects are created in the layer that is currently editable.

A layer skipping process is possible. This means you can select an object from table ABC and put it into the object stamp. Then, you can insert the object into table XYZ with "Paste Object from Stamp".

When objects are retrieved from cache, new rows (data records) are created for every selected object. However, the table information (attributes) of the original objects are not copied.


© AGIS GmbH - November 2019