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GeoAS Project - Installation

Hinweise zur unbeaufsichtigten Deinstallation (silently uninstalling)

From the command line on the target computer type:

MsiExec.exe /x {product code/uninstall key} /q


MapInfo Pro Version (64-Bit)


MapInfo Pro 2023

MsiExec.exe /x {82DBF731-B3EB-454F-A652-E3A3389E9440} /q

MapInfo Pro 2021

MsiExec.exe /x {C4E0BEA6-799D-4117-AA1F-CB0CF742BA63} /q

MapInfo Pro 2019

MsiExec.exe /x {3DA404AA-7A68-4B22-B1F7-E31801F79009} /q

MapInfo Pro 2017

MsiExec.exe /x {8B59F4DD-001D-4CD3-A1C7-B513F5D2FF82} /q

MapInfo Pro 2016

MsiExec.exe /x {E85BA515-FA5A-4D77-8EB3-A928F17EDE3B} /q

Running this command only:

uninstalls MapInfo Pro.

it does NOT uninstall a previous version of MapInfo Pro.

it does NOT uninstall MapInfo ProViewer, MapInfo Runtime, or MapBasic.


MapInfo Pro Runtime Version (64-Bit)


MapInfo Pro 2023

MsiExec.exe /x {} /q

MapInfo Pro 2021

MsiExec.exe /x {FCC29EA9-1B27-421C-9C4D-FCA2FD38CE9D} /q

MapInfo Pro 2019

MsiExec.exe /x {49F75794-159B-4E01-95C5-6FA707235C9D} /q

Running this command only:

uninstalls MapInfo Pro Runtime.

it does NOT uninstall a previous version of MapInfo Pro Runtime.

it does NOT uninstall MapInfo ProViewer, MapInfo Pro, or MapBasic.



Die AGIS GmbH übernimmt keine Gewähr zur Korrektheit der oben genannten Syntax und der Uninstall-Keys.

Bitte überprüfen Sie den versionsspezifischen Uninstall-Key anhand nachstehender Anleitung/Illustration:


Note: The uninstall key is unique to each version of MapInfo Pro.

To silently uninstall an older version of MapInfo Pro, you would need to use its product code (uninstall key). These keys are in the registry at:





Oben stehende Ausführungen basieren auf folgenden Informationsquellen:



Installing and uninstalling MapInfo Professional silently
Step-by-step directions on how to install and uninstall MapInfo Professional silently.